Thursday, December 2, 2010

20 Things I've Learned in Florence in Three Months

1. Wearing heels on cobblestone has to be one of the Top 10 hardest things to do in the world.
2. November=rain almost every day
3. Once a year, they put grass in the Duomo and Baptistery area to recreate the miracle of San Zanobi.
4. Florence decorates almost every street for Christmas, and puts a tree up in front of the Duomo.
5. Florentine shop owners take great pride in their window displays.
6. Along with being the place where Michelangelo is buried, Santa Croce is home to a great bar scene.
7. Everybody smokes. Everybody.
8. Italians obviously do not celebrate Thanksgiving, but are more than happy to provide the foods Americans might need to have their feasts.
9. Order two flavors when you get gelato. I recommend combining a fruity one and chocolate flavor.
10. Rome is unlike any other city in Italy. In fact, it almost doesn't feel Italian.
11. Siena, Pisa, and Luca make for great and inexpensive day trips from Florence.
12. The streets are ALWAYS clean, and street sweepers are out and about all day and all night.
13. If you are a study abroad student, and want a good leather jacket, go to Massimo by the San Lorenzo Market. 50% off for all students! Ask for Igor :)
14. There is a German Christmas Market that comes to Florence for the first 3 weeks of December.
15. The Dublin Pub on Faenza is a great place to sit and chat with your friends over a pint of Strongbow cider or a Guinness.
16. H&M in Florence > H&M in America
17. Apparently, they are building a Hard Rock Cafe here. I do not approve.
18. Pairing Food & Wine is the greatest class I have taken in my 17+ years of education.
19. Pesto has become a staple of my diet.
20. After a weekend away of exploring Europe, it is so cool to be able to walk into Florence, and say, "I'm home!"

1 comment:

  1. so awesome!!!!!!
    H&M anywhere>H&M in America...ugh
    and pesto is freakin delish

    ughhhhh cant wait to see u tuesdaY!
