Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Week of Classes


So we have officially been here one week, and I have seen all of my classes. Here is a quick overview of what my semester will look like:

Event Planning, Monday 3-5:30: My teacher is a delightful and beautiful German woman, and the class seems absolutely fascinating. When I told her about how I had helped coordinate events at Knott's, she sounded really impressed and said I should teach the class. No idea if that was sarcastic or not, but I took it as a compliment in the moment. Our big project for this class is to plan an actual event for LdM's fashion school!

Art History, Tuesday 9-11:30: This class will be fun because we get to go to all of the museums for the class. I think it's been about 7 years since I got to go on a field trip, and we have one almost every class! I'm definitely excited to see the Academia gallery, which is the home of the Statue of David.

Italian 101, Tuesdays & Thursdays 4:30-5:45: My teacher has immediatly started speaking nothing but Italian to us, which is a little weird cause I don't know....IT'S A BEGINNING CLASS. But I feel this will be my most useful course during my time here, because I can sure use some basic Italian to practice around the city. So far, we've learned basic phrases, numbers, and the alphabet.

War & Media, Wednesday 9-11:30: Zzzzzzz this class is probably going to be a snooze fest. I'm going to try to keep an open mind, but let's face it....learning about how the media has portrayed war over the last 100 years isn't exactly stuff you want to debate about at 9 in the morning. Plus, my class is hot as you-know-where, thus making it harder to keep my eyes open. But hey, it's my last class for my communications minor, so you gotta do what you gotta do.

Food & Wine Pairing, Thursday 6-8:30: This is going to hands down be my favorite class. So far, we already cooked a delicious pasta pomodoro with cookies for dessert (the name of the cookies escapes me right now). And of course...we paired it with a delicious red wine and a dessert champagne. My professor is hilarious, and we get to go on a ton of cool field trips, including a real wine farm and a chocolate festival! Could I be more in love with this class than I already am?

Sadly, I have this long lost concept called "homework" to deal with already. But I have so much downtime during the day, I have no excuse not to get started on it. Hard to believe my first week of school is almost done!

Love you all.....

1 comment:

  1. My hs Spanish teacher did the same thing for the beginning class. I was like WTF but that kind of immersion is actually really helpful! So good luck :)
