Thursday, September 9, 2010

20 Things I've Learned in Florence in One Week

1. There is NO such thing as "the pedestrian has the right of way"
2. Gelato is amazing, at a reasonable cost.
3. The mosquitos love me.
4. You walk everywhere. And quite frankly, I'm okay with that.
5. It's really hard to get lost. All roads to lead to the Duomo eventually!
6. Ikea is just as big and confusing as the ones in the states.
7. You can get 4 bottles of wine and a free bottle of champagne for only 10 euro.
8. Almost everyone speaks English.
9. Skype is the best invention ever.
10. Both sexes really know how to dress themselves.
11. The Ponte Vecchio looks gorgeous at night.
12. They have really cheap Asian clothing favorite!
13. It's kind of fun to get trapped in a restaurant while it rains.
14. Gelato stands are just as common as Starbucks in the states.
15. The Statue of David is in a weird location, and it costs 10 euro to see him. Hence I haven't yet.
16. Drinks in bars are just as expensive as they are in the states.
17. When life gives you lemons, make Limoncello.
18. I have to forget all Spanish in order to learn Italian properly.
19. Don't panic, there is a McDonald's.
20. I still have a lot to learn.

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