Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday Worries

Hi everyone!

As of Thursday, I only have a month left. Holy CRAP. Where did the time go?!? My emotions are so mixed right now. I seriously have about 42149 million thoughts spinning through my brain. Allow me to let you in on some of them...
  • First of all, there are sooo many places I want to travel to, but time is not allowing it. I don't want to leave here with any regrets, but I don't want to leave with bad grades either. I already know I'm leaving with no money (more on that later)! I'm extremely bummed cause my friend Amy and I were planning a trip to Paris our very last weekend here, but then we found out that we have to be in Florence for the final class project for event planning. So we are going to do our darndest to just go for a few days the weekend before. I NEED TO SEE PARIS! Also, I HAVE to go to Rome. It would be so pathetic if I didn't! Hopefully that will be happening over Thanksgiving weekend. I'm sad because I don't think I will be making it over to Venice or Milan. Both places are really expensive to travel to from Florence, and I'd want to spend more than a day there. Sign :(
  • If I could turn back time, I would have made a budget sheet for the semester. Cause seriously, money is going so fast. I still have three more trips to supply money for, two that still have to be booked, Christmas presents/souvenirs to buy, my leather jacket to purchase (maybe), and oh yeah, I might want to eat here and there. It sucks, but I've had to force myself not to go out to bars and restaraunts as much anymore. I will be honest...a lot of my money was blown on drinks and nice dinners within my first few months here. So I'm doing my best to cut down on that kind of stuff because A) It's what's making me fat and B) It will help me dwindle down on bad habits I've developed. Plus, partying in Florence is kind of getting old. I'd rather save my money for going out in cool cities, like Vienna and Salzburg. Did I mention I'm going there this weekend? :)
  • After my parents left, I developed major homesickness. It was hard seeing them, only to have them leave again. Also, I'm really starting to miss home, my friends, and my family. But I had to promise myself something...I CANNOT be counting down the days til I fly home. I will regret it otherwise. Cause let's face it...all the stuff I miss is going to be there for a very long time when I get back. When will I ever get too live in Florence again? Probably never. So I'm sucking it up, and just saying NO to homesickness.
  • I'm about to register for my final semester of college. Ever. Next semester is going to suck sooooo bad, and I need to cure any signs of senioritis I may see. The homework habits I've developed over here are NOT good ones. And even though I got A's on all my midterms, this behavior will NOT FLY next semester. I gotta step up my game, cause believe it or not, I have a ton of final projects and papers to do within the next few weeks.
  • Other reasons to dread coming home: No job, no internship, no money. Cool!
This entry is really whiny, I know. But it just goes to show that life isn't always glamorous for the study abroad student. There's so much to think about! I just wish I could stay here forever, and have all the money in the world.

I will give a quick shout-out to the weekend's events. I stayed in Italy, cause my bank account and I needed a travel break. I decided to hang out with people that I wanted to get to know better. So on Saturday, I went to the adorable city of Lucca with my friends Ayla and Kassie. We rented bikes and rode around the walled city. It was really fun, and these two ladies were excellent day trip buddies :)

On Sunday, my friend Carissa invited me to go to Bologna with her roommates. And Bologna really lived up to its was pure bologna. I was REALLY underwhelmed by the city. We knew that it was a college town, and supposedly had the "best food in Italy." Umm, okay says who? I guess if we would've done an olive oil tasting or something like that it would've been better, but we spent too much money on the train ride there. The only cool things were an archaelogical museum, complete with a real Egyptian mummy, and this outdoor market that, I kid you not, did not sell anything over 20 euro. It was MAGICAL. I got two pairs of earrings for 2 euro!!

But note to other study abroad students: Bologna is not worth the travel cost, unless you are going on a field trip or something along those lines.

I know that this entry was simply me rambling and complaining. But hey, I'm entitled to an entry like that, aren't I? But do not let that detere you from the fact that I am having the time of my life here, and am going to live this last month to the fullest!

Hopefully, my Austira entry will compensate for this one ;)

Ciao for now!

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